The Level of Interest, Feedback, and Evaluation (LIFE) forms are the main tool used by the WBC to obtain valuable feedback for diverse activities part of the center’s Research Program.
LIFE Forms will open in a new window
How to use the LIFE Forms?
Step 1: Click on Events (top right menu)
Step 2: Select the Event where you are providing feedback. The options are:
- New Research Proposals
- Research Updates, or
- Poster Session.
Step 3: Select a project from the list
Step 4: The project/proposal window will show three fields:
- Comment,
- Suggestion, and
- Question
Step 5: After providing feedback in any of these fields make sure you click SAVE
Step 6: Scroll down and access Evaluate Research Proposal/Research Update
Step 7: Write your name – only the Managing Director has access to your name, nobody else will see it.
Step 8: Select the project you are providing feedback for.
Step 9: Choose the level of interest.
Step 10: Click Submit