Welcome to the WBC IAB Fall Meeting 2023

Pre-Meeting Materials

Schedule and agenda for all sessions.

Zoom links to all sessions.

Location, parking, and more.

Membership for FY 2023

List of attendees registered until April 25th, 2023.

Industry Advisory Board Committee Materials

Research Roadmap with member-generated Topics reviewed and ranked.

Details for current and completed projects, including funding history.

Research proposals submitted by faculty for funding consideration.

Final Reports and Research Updates submitted by students for feedback.

Minutes with the decisions made during the closed-door meeting.

Presentations, Videos & Posters

Final Reports & Research Updates

Final Reports

M-03-PR: Preliminary Investigation of DMDHEU-Treated Strand Board LIFE Forms →

O-05-NE: A Fundamental Study of Lignin Reaction with Formaldehyde LIFE Forms →

M-02-PR: In-depth Characterization of Bondlines in CLT made with Preservative-Treated Lumber LIFE Forms →


O-09-SC: Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemometric Technicques for Estimation of Percent Wood Failure (PFW) in Adhesive Bonds LIFE Forms →

GUEST PRESENTATION: Lignin-specific Derivatization for Advanced Composite Materials

GUEST PRESENTATION: US Army Corps of Engineers – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Research Updates

M-04-FR: Wax Migration LIFE Forms →

I-10-FR: Carbon Isotope Ratios, novel view of CH2O emissions LIFE Forms →

N-02-MU: Long-term response of wood-based composites in variable climate conditions LIFE Forms →

O-07-PE: Understanding the fundamental influence of wood extractives on wood adhesion LIFE Forms →

O-02-VI: Monitoring Phenol Formaldehyde and Wax Content with VIS/NIR Smartphone Technology  LIFE Forms →